
Saturday, 28.12.2024

Check In 14:30 -  
Intensive 15:30 - 18:30 Kennneth Rutland & Brynn Anderson
Break 18:30 - 19:00  
Intensive 19:00 - 22:00

Thibault Ramirez & Nicole Clonch 

Thibault Ramirez & Nicole Clonch

"Creative Communication"



This intensive will be about learning the different forms of communication we use in WCS.

Working on how we connect between leader & follower; so that we can create great power moves and establish creative flow.

Learning to manage all types of connections and to be able to create with any dancer. These are great skills to have for both social and competitive dancers. Open to all levels.

Kenneth Rutland & Bryn Anderson

"Micro & Macro Musicality"



We will be breaking musicality down into two categories ("macro" and "micro"), providing formulas and tools for you to hone your skills in each, and demonstrating how the two types of musicality fit together to create highly musical and cooperative dances.

Saturday, 28.12.2024