
Solo followers - you need a partner for the registration!

Very important!!!

  • To be able to see the ticket store, you must activate all cookies!
  • There are no couple tickets to book. Every person must book their own ticket. You can enter your partner's name at the end of the booking process to ensure your registration is accepted.
  • Solo followers are always on the waiting list.
  • When booking a double hotel room, only one person needs to book the room!
  • A discount code field will also appear at the end of the booking process. Simply enter the group code there. After booking, please contact your group leader for payment.
  • If you have not entered a group code, you will receive an invoice for a bank transfer once your booking is accepted.

Group Tickets

€10 off *ONLY* for Workshop and Eastern Europe tickets

Not for Advanced, Intensives, and Party Tickets!


Note: Discounts don't apply to hotel rooms, NYE dinners, intensives, or merchandise - only to workshop tickets! No need to insert a discount code if you book any of these separately.


Look for your group leader’s name below. If your country has no group leader yet, and you want to lead your local group, send us an email to:



Markus Winkler

Code: NRW


Tine Palenga

Code: Tine



Yuval Yaary
Code: ATSV



Paulina Górka
Code: Soplica


Czech Republic:

Mira Paulík

Code: Czechia



Marine Valet

Code: Frenchie2024



Fran Vidal

Code: Spanishteam



Florina Stoian

Code: Florina



Michelle Welter

Code: CHSV



Liron Dvir

Code: WestieDV



Iryna Sarnitska



Solo followers - you need a partner for the registration!

Workshop Ticket:
Incl. 6 hours of workshops, 6 parties (Friday-Wednesday), access to competitions (excl. entry fee):

Early bird - €150 (for the first 100 tickets!)

Normal bird - €165 

Late bird - €180 (from 1.6)


Eastern Europe Ticket:
Incl. 6 hours of workshops, 6 parties (Friday-Wednesday), access to competitions (excl. entry fee)

Normal bird - €155 

Late bird - €170 (from 1.6)


Advanced Workshop Ticket (required: at least 1 WSDC Advanced point)

Incl. 4 hours of workshops, 6 parties (Friday-Wednesday), access to competitions (excl. entry fee)

€80 if you're not interested in judging


All-Star Workshop Ticket (required: at least 1 WSDC All-Star point) 

Incl. 4 hours of workshops, 6 parties (Friday-Wednesday), access to competitions (excl. entry fee)

€50 - if you're not interested in judging


Party Pass:
Incl. 6 Parties (Friday-Wednesday)access to competitions (excl. entry fee) - €110


Incl. only Intensive and Saturday party (no Workshops, no access to competitions!) - €80/person/intensive

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